
Showing posts from March, 2018

Detect URL Format (Lightning Aura)

Following the announcement that the URL format in lightning experience will change from /one/ we are looking for a way of detecting which format is being used so that we can generate URLs in Apex. For example, if we were to generate a PDF in Visualforce containing a URL to a lightning page we would like to correct the URL to use the correct format depending on whether the org is using `/one/` or `/lightning` What does it do? From the announcement: It changes the URL format used by Lightning Experience standard apps and the Salesforce mobile app. For example: Current format: https://<>/one/ New format: https://<>/lightning/o/Account/home In Summer '18 the new URL format will be enforced, but in Spring '18 it can be enabled for testing via a critical update. Why do we care? If the user enabled the critical update themselves we need to be able to make sure that our featu...

London's Calling 2018: Getting Started with Salesforce Lightning (Aura) Components & Lightning Data Service

Many thanks to London's Calling for recording my session on Lightning Components and Lightning Data Service. The full video is now available on YouTube.